Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Idea Growing

Yesterday we had the students each plant their own corn seed out in the newest plot we turned over last spring. We got nothing really out of that space last season so we are hoping for a better season this year. The idea with the students' corn plants is that when they come back next school season as seventh graders, and we have a new "crop" of sixth graders, we can have a harvest party after school one day in September to share and enjoy the corn and whatever else we may get to grow, and hopefully inspire some interest in the Farm School. Keep your fingers crossed.

The plot was divided into a grid and each student was assigned one numbered square foot for their corn plant so they can remember where their plant is and track its progress. We are trying out a modified version of the Square Foot Gardening method developed by Mel Bartholomiew. Thanks to Heather Candels for the book.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pushing The Pedals On The Season Cycle

Hello again. Has it really been almost five months since the last post? Yes, and there are mixed reasons why, but the season cycle has turned and the first sign of spring, besides a bit more sunlight each day, is here: the maple sap is running. Monday was the first gathering of the Middlebrook Farm School's partnership with Ambler Farm and we had a good baker's dozen of excited, and enthusiastic participants. See the photos below and just so you know there will be a gathering at Ambler Farm on Saturday at 3:00 to collect the sap there. Check back for details.